Sunday, November 4, 2012

No class tomorrow (Monday). Class on Wednesday.

I am going home tomorrow, though I am not sure when. So I am canceling class for that reason. There will be class on Wednesday. The topic will be bargaining and procurement. If time permits we'll also begin our discussion of moral hazard from an informal/intuitive vantage. Though this is not a course document, I encourage you to read today this post, The Diffeq from Hell,, which is about the making of the Excel homework on Bargaining. I will commit here to have that homework up and available by tomorrow evening. I hope that you can get it done before class on Wednesday. I realize that is a short turnover. But under the circumstances, that is what makes sense so we can get back on track.

The procedure I had today went well and my prognosis is good. They got to this thing early enough that I believe things will be under control from here on out. It was quite a scare last week but now it is time for optimism.

My attire in class likely will change as a consequence --- casual casual instead of business casual. I'll explain why on Wednesday. Maybe some of you will respond by dressing up so the mean attire level in the room remains unaltered. ;-) And if there is candy left over I'll bring it then.

Prof. Arvan

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